Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The prisioner of the jeep parked at campus villiage. I was walking by campus village and i noticed a bunch of cats all over this white jeep. It kinda looks abandoned. I guess the owner just left it here to rot. Well it seems that the cats have taken it over and made it their prime time hangout. As i got closer to the jeep most of the cats ran, but there was one, one cat that stood up, stood up to challenge me and my new Panasonic lumnix TZ3 camera!

So i started snapping and the cat started to pose for the camera! lol. So i am gonna make this cat famous now. Behold the cat that is not camera shy. Looking straight into the camera, fearless and confident. I guess the cats have no fear since Schezshwan closed. (The rumor was that they may have been using cat meat in their dishes, there may have been some merit to that rumor since there has been an increase in the cat population in the area.)

These pics were taken with my new Camera. My panasonic Lumnix TZ3. 7.2MP 10X optical zoom. Oh yeah!

A pic of the Crane during sunset

My Camera!

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