Monday, August 6, 2007

The mysterious bruise or so called ecchymosis. This has cropped up on my right upper arm, i wonder where i got this? hmm...

Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Great Ipod of Silicon Valley.

I just got back from pass yesterday and i did something really stupid. I put my shorts in the washer and forgot to take out my ipod that i was listening to on the rough plane ride home. Well i was sad about that today, it was all wet. I could see splodges of water on it. It even went through the dryer as well. Below are pics of it at 8:30pm. I has put it in the dryer around 9am.

I decided to turned it on fully expecting it not to work and to my amazement it works!! all my songs are still there, even the headphones still work!. I am just hoping the water on the screen dries in the next couple days and the ipod will be as good as new. This ipod truly has gone where no other ipod has...into the watery depths of the cavernous washing machine. dun dun dun...drum roll please =).